Friday 1 June 2012

S4 Population homework help

I have given you a more difficult homework question this week.It is the Higher 20012 question. I wouldn't have given you it if I didn't think you were capable !!!

Look carefully at the Demographic Transition model in the question and below :

  1. You are only being asked to describe the Birth and Death rates in stages 1 - 3. Are they high or low?Are the stationery, fluctuating , decreasing or increasing ?
  2. The next thing is to try to give an explanation for those birth and death rates. Was there adequate medical care in the past? Were contraceptives available ? Were there vaccinations, clean water or a good diet ? Stage 1 is the UK , pre agricultural revolution.
  3. The Question is worth 10 marks, you should make 10 good points.
  4. Now look at the pie chart. Look carefully at each portion. What has happened to the numbers of pensioners, working age and children ? Give the figures....this will get you 3 marks. Now think of problems: What will happen in the future ? Take a look at these videos from the BBC website which look at the problems that different countries are having with the world's changing population.In particular , look at the video for the UK.

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