Tuesday 26 June 2012

Higher / Int 2 Fieldtrip 2012

The letter  will be given out tomorrow, but here is a copy of the contents:

This letter is advance warning of the Higher / Intermediate  Geography residential excursion to the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales which leaves the school on Tuesday, 18 th  September and arrives back in the afternoon of Thursday , 20th . (Tuesday is a holiday for pupils.)

We will visit the Yorkshire Dales , famous for its limestone scenery and The Lake District  with its Glaciated scenery , allowing us to study a large section of the Lithosphere and Rural Land Resources sections of the course. Although not compulsory , it is a very useful and enjoyable part of the course.

We will take a minibus down to Ingleton , where we visit the White Scar Caves and then travel onto Ambleside where we stay for the 2 nights in the Youth Hostel ,  completing  a further  day and half of fieldwork in the Lakes.

The school is able to pay for the minibus but most of the cost of the trip will be paid for by pupils . The cost will be    £  70  each , which includes 2 evening meals, 2 breakfasts , 2 packed lunches , 2 evenings in the Youth Hostel , diesel costs and entrance to the caves.

Should you wish your son / daughter to take part in this, please pay the initial £30 , non returnable deposit, in the second week of the new term. The final payment will need to be paid by the 14th of September. Unfortunately we will not be able to refund full payments if your child withdraws from the trip after this date. However, if there is anybody who would like their son or daughter to attend but is unable to pay the full amount by then, please do not hesitate to phone me.

Final details and consent forms will be issued nearer the date of departure.

Yours Faithfully ,

Blea Tarn in the Lake District

White Scar Caves in The Yorkshire  Dales

Limestone Pavement , The Yorkshire Dales

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